7 Nov 2012

Structured Improvement with Strategy

Structured Improvement with Strategy
Cpk calculation for single and double sided tolerances; X-bar charts; involvement and affect analysis; key performance indicators (KPI /KSI); Out of Control Action Plan; measurement equipment verification;........and more. All tools can be used individually for your purpose and modified according your needs. "Structured Improvement with Strategy - SI³wS - The G-C-E-C-P-C methodology of root cause elimination" is a self study tool set which includes explainantions, presentations, statisical tools, calculations, charts and graphs.Explain and analyse your experiences and data collection by charts, graphs, facts and figures. The understanding that employees have to be trained well in using process control methodologies, is the key to success. By education and by knowing the " HOW to DO ", the employees self confidence will improve and therefore have a positive influence on teamwork, quality, output and company culture. The SI³wS methodology and its tool sets was developed with the idea behind to be the "tactical and statistical screw driver" of equipment and process owners, easy to use with many examples and explanations and flexible for changes if needed to be applied. To use those methodologies on a daily base is what helps to keep performance stable. The calculations and all other items and tools inside the Project "Structured Improvement with Strategy - SI³wS - The G-C-E-C-P-C methodology of root cause elimination" was created by using Microsoft applications (Office 97-2003). Please download the SIWS-Intro at first before you purchase the project just to make sure that this is what you want to get and what you want to pay for.

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