19 Feb 2020

Aloaha Multisignator

Aloaha Multisignator

E-Invoicing with qualified batch signatures Make use of the advantages of electronic invoices for your company. The Aloaha Multisignator is the professional solution for digitally signing your outgoing invoices. 

Save time and money on paper, snail postage and packaging. These are convincing arguments to change over to E-Invoicing. 

Therefore you need a professional application such as the Aloaha Multisignator which can easily be integrated in your existing infrastructure and is able to batch sign your outgoing invoices. As additional advantage your costs for archiving will decrease, too. 

In difference to other solutions the Aloaha Software can use numerous smartcard typeS native. So you do not need any card drivers from third party vendors. 

1 comment:

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